A Fire Damper Drop Test is a critical procedure used to ensure the proper functioning and reliability of fire dampers in a building's HVAC system. Fire dampers are important safety devices designed to prevent the spread of fire and smoke through ventilation ducts and openings in the event of a fire.
During a fire damper drop test, the following steps are involved:

Make sure the damper is independently supported
Make sure the fire compartment within the parameter of the damper has not been breached
Checking for correct orientation
Galleys are clean and free of debris
Transit tape has been removed
Springs are in good condition
Check for any signs of corrosion
Make sure the fusible link is in good condition
Check to make sure the damper has not been fitted with Tek-Screws
Manually release the fusible link and allow the damper to drop in to its closed position
Ensure the damper curtain has closed fully, visually checking the bottom of the curtain has locked in to place
Check the fusible link from the outside looking for any damages
Clean the damper to keep it free from debris
Open the damper and re-set the fusible link
Report the results of the fire damper drop test with photographic evidence